16 rs2::video_frame videoFrame = singleFrame.as<rs2::video_frame>();
17 const int frameWidth = videoFrame.get_width(), frameHeight = videoFrame.get_height();
19 switch (singleFrame.get_profile().format()) {
21 return cv::Mat(cv::Size(frameWidth, frameHeight), CV_8UC3, (
void *) singleFrame.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
22 case RS2_FORMAT_RGB8: {
23 cv::Mat rgbFrame = cv::Mat(cv::Size(frameWidth, frameHeight), CV_8UC3, (
void *) singleFrame.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
24 cv::cvtColor(rgbFrame, rgbFrame, cv::COLOR_RGB2BGR);
28 return cv::Mat(cv::Size(frameWidth, frameHeight), CV_16UC1, (
void *) singleFrame.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
30 return cv::Mat(cv::Size(frameWidth, frameHeight), CV_8UC1, (
void *) singleFrame.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP);
32 throw std::runtime_error(
"Frame format is not supported yet!");
40 char ** argv = * usageManagerInstance->
48 for (
unsigned int nFrame = 0; nFrame < user_nFrame; nFrame++) {
50 unsigned int frameID = cameraManager->
51 rs2::depth_frame depthFrame = rs2::depth_frame(rs2::frame());
52 rs2::frame colorFrame, colorizedDepthFrame;
53 cameraManager->
getVideoFramesRS(user_nFrame, pipelineStream, depthFrame, colorFrame, colorizedDepthFrame, framesToSkip);
54 int cols = depthFrame.get_width(), rows = depthFrame.get_height();
56 cv::Mat colorImage =
realsenseFrameToMat(colorFrame), distanceImage = cv::Mat::zeros(rows, cols, CV_32FC1);
59 depthImage *= 1000.0 * scale;
61 for (
int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
for (
int j = 0; j < rows; j++) distanceImage.at <
float> (j, i) = (float) depthFrame.get_distance(i, j);
63 std::stringstream colorImagePath, distanceImagePath, colorizedDepthImagePath;
64 colorImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"rgb/" << frameID <<
65 distanceImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"d/" << frameID <<
66 colorizedDepthImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"depth/" << frameID <<
68 imageManager->
saveImages( { colorImage, distanceImage, colorizedDepthImage },
69 { colorImagePath.str(), distanceImagePath.str(), colorizedDepthImagePath.str() } );
70 imageManager->
releaseImages( { colorImage, depthImage, distanceImage, colorizedDepthImage } );
83 unsigned int frameID = cameraManager->
getFrameID(), currentImageID;
85 Json::Value currentJSON;
88 for (
unsigned int nFrame = 0; nFrame < user_nFrame; nFrame++) {
89 std::stringstream inputJsonFilePath, skeletonImagePath, colorImagePath, distanceImagePath, colorizedDepthImagePath, skeletonOnlyImagePath, outputJsonFilePath;
90 currentImageID = frameID - user_nFrame + nFrame;
95 inputJsonFilePath << outputFolder <<
"op/" << currentImageID <<
98 if (outputManagerJSON->
loadJSON(inputJsonFilePath.str(), currentJSON)) {
99 Json::Value people = outputManagerJSON->
"people", currentJSON);
100 colorImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"rgb/" << currentImageID <<
101 distanceImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"d/" << currentImageID <<
102 colorizedDepthImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"depth/" << currentImageID <<
105 cv::Mat colorImage, colorizedDepthImage;
106 imageManager->
loadImage(colorImagePath.str(), cv::IMREAD_COLOR, colorImage);
107 cv::Mat distanceImage = cv::Mat(colorImage.rows, colorImage.cols, CV_32FC1);
108 imageManager->
loadImage(distanceImagePath.str(), cv::IMREAD_ANYCOLOR | cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH, distanceImage);
109 imageManager->
loadImage(colorizedDepthImagePath.str(), cv::IMREAD_COLOR, colorizedDepthImage);
111 imageManager->
showImages( { colorImage, colorizedDepthImage }, {
"Frame No Skeleton",
"Frame Colorized Depth" } );
112 cv::Mat skeletonOnlyImage = cv::Mat::zeros(colorImage.rows, colorImage.cols, colorImage.type());
115 outputManagerJSON->
createJSON(people, colorImage, distanceImage, skeletonOnlyImage, currentImageID, outputFolder, skeletonThreshold);
118 imageManager->
showImages( { skeletonOnlyImage, colorImage }, {
"Frame Skeleton Background Cut",
"Frame Skeleton" } );
119 skeletonOnlyImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"sk/" << currentImageID <<
120 skeletonImagePath << imagesFolder <<
"skeleton/" << currentImageID <<
121 imageManager->
saveImages( { colorImage, skeletonOnlyImage }, { skeletonImagePath.str(), skeletonOnlyImagePath.str() } );
122 imageManager->
releaseImages( { colorImage, distanceImage, colorizedDepthImage, skeletonOnlyImage } );
FacadeSingleton class is used as a single access point to a simplified interface.
ImageManager * getImageManager(void)
Get the ImageManager pointer.
OutputManager * getOutputManager(void)
Get the OutputManager pointer.
UsageManager * getUsageManager(void)
Get the UsageManager pointer.
RealSenseManager * getCameraManager(void)
Get the RealSenseManager pointer.
static FacadeSingleton * getInstance(void)
Get the unique class instance. This methods should be called in the following scenario: when we just ...
ImageManager class is a general-purpose class useful for operations on images such as loading,...
void showImages(const std::initializer_list< cv::Mat > &images, const std::initializer_list< std::string > &windowNames)
Shows multiple images.
void releaseImages(const std::initializer_list< cv::Mat > &images)
Releases multiple images.
void saveImages(const std::initializer_list< cv::Mat > &images, const std::initializer_list< std::string > &imagePaths)
Saves multiple images.
void loadImage(std::string imagePath, int loadType, cv::Mat &inputImage)
Loads a single image.
void getVideoFramesCV(unsigned int user_nFrame, rs2::pipeline &pipelineStream, float scale, const unsigned short int framesToSkip)
Get user_nFrame video frames from the pipeline by applying a specific scaling factor.
cv::Mat realsenseFrameToMat(const rs2::frame &singleFrame)
This method converts a frame of type rs2::frame to cv::Mat.
void showSkeletonsCV(unsigned int user_nFrame, const float skeletonThreshold)
Retrieve OpenPose's output, convert it to RealSense coordinate's space, show results and save them.
OutputManagerJSON class is a class that abstracts final JSON output-producing operations.
void createJSON(Json::Value &people, cv::Mat &colorImage, cv::Mat &distanceImage, cv::Mat &skeletonOnlyImage, unsigned int nFrame, const char *outputFolder, const float skeletonThreshold)
This methods take a reference to a JSON node that represents all the people's informations within the...
Json::Value getValueAt(std::string key, Json::Value currentJSON)
Utility method to get the value at a given key in a given JSON node.
bool loadJSON(std::string filePathJSON, Json::Value ¤tJSON)
Loads a JSON file and returns it as a reference. The JSON file path on disk is given.
RealSenseManager class is a class that abstracts the behavior of an Intel RealSense Camera,...
virtual void getVideoFramesRS(unsigned int user_nFrame, rs2::pipeline &pipelineStream, rs2::depth_frame &depthFrame, rs2::frame &colorFrame, rs2::frame &colorizedDepthFrame, const unsigned short int framesToSkip)=0
Get user_nFrame video frames from the pipeline by applying a specific scaling factor....
unsigned int getFrameID(void)
Get the current frame ID value.
UsageManager class is a utility class that helps with configuration parameters.
char *** get_argv(void)
Get the argv's pointer.
static UsageManager * getInstance(void)
Get the unique class instance. This methods should be called in the following scenario: when we just ...
static const short int imagesFolderOffset
static const short int USAGE_MANAGER_NULLPTR_ERROR
static const short int outputFolderOffset